Project 1: Final Composition.
Designer's Eye
Mannequins. I chose this image because I found it to be somewhat intriguing and eye-catching. they look old-fashioned instead of modern, as if each could tell a life's story. But what are they anyway? What was their soul purpose? At first they were used as artists jointed models. They have also been used for CPR training, first aid, and intubation. But now they are known as life-size dummies who wear clothes to display fashions.
Then we have the second image: the eye. I loved this image due to the fact that it looks so imaginative and real. Our eyes see our life, friends, family, bad times, good times, mistakes, and our accomplishments. Not only do our eyes see our personal life experiences, but they also notice the world around us such as buildings, nature, advertisements, other people, road signs, and so much more. It allows us to enjoy the world visually and erratically, but wach person can decide exactly how they use their sight. Athletes use them to play their sport, scientists use them to analyze data, doctors use them to save lives, and designers use them to well, design.
Together these images portray the designer's eye, I thought. Designer's see the world in a whole different light and have too to visually get their point across. They see the outside world and either think beauty or change. The mannequins can also make these images relate to the media and advertising to the public. Everyone wants the "in" style and the most popular piece in the market. It's common fact. Our eyes visualize what we want and our brains say go get it. Once we attain that certain piece of clothing, video game, or shoe we feel at ease or satisfied. Advertisement and the media do that to us. It's like a drug.
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